The Raider by Classic Scally Company™
Some of you might immediately think the Raider! The NFL Raiders – A big bad and tough reputation! Well, something similar just add some skates!
Growing up in the northeast as a first generation hockey player you find out real quick who the top echelon teams are. That team was the North Shore Raiders! The black and silver uniforms with a hint of burgundy like blood dripping down your nose! Big bad fast a little choppy but tough as nails!
Like the NFL Raiders, the North Shore Raiders always in the mitts of controversy and bench clearing brawls to prove their point…. they play through the whistle and and shake your hands respectfully after they drove you into the boards for three periods.
The Raider… like the North Shore Raider
Play Hard live Harder
The Raider
Love your hats,
David J. Russo